Purchasing & Contract Administration

Purchasing & Contract Administration supports the operations of the colleges and district offices by functioning as the central procurement agency for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and services.

Purchasing & Contract Administration is recognized by Customers for delivering exceptional value-added results by being an organization committed to a cost-effective, value added service that leverages our spending power and common work practices to deliver the lowest total cost of acquisition and best supplier performance.

We pursue superior customer service and ensure Customers are aware that we have provided value and met or exceeded all their expectations and business requirements. Each individual in our department is responsible for adopting a “Helpful Attitude” approach to customer service, product delivery, and representing Alamo Colleges District.


Purchasing & Contract Administration is made up of professionals providing technical assistance, service, or training to Customers and suppliers. Our professionals work to provide efficient and effective purchasing, contract administration, and support services for:

  • Purchasing - Proposals, Minute Orders, Purchase Agreements, and Purchase Orders
  • PCard - Small Dollar or Routine Purchases
  • Contract Administration - Contractor Compliance Tracking/Reporting
  • Small, Minority, Women & Veteran Owned Business Enterprise Program - Business Community Outreach, Supplier Registration
  • Surplus Property Disposal - Accountability, Control, Value


Impact on the college and district operations:

Our professionals drive improvements that help customers achieve Performance Excellence through better spend management, productivity gains, and improved internal controls.

Multi-Year Recipients of the National Procurement Institutes Award for Achievement of Excellence in Procurement.

Two men having a conversation

Interested in Doing Business with the Alamo Colleges District?

Vendors interested in doing business with ACD are encouraged to register as a vendor.

Registering is convenient and ensures that Alamo Colleges District has current information to:

  • Contact your business
  • Notify you of bid or proposal opportunities related to the goods and services your business offers; and
  • Maintain up-to-date remittance information for payments due.

Create a Vendor Profile


Tabulations and Award Notifications

The information provided herein may contain errors, omissions, and is subject to change at any time.

Please direct all questions to Purchasing by emailing dst-purchasing@2fitfashion.com.

Click on the title of the project to retrieve the tabulation.

  • Bid/Project Announcement

    The Alamo Colleges District is receiving sealed bids/proposals not later than 2:00 PM local time, unless otherwise indicated, on the date(s) shown below:

    Delivery Location by U.S. Mail:

    Alamo Colleges District
    Purchasing & Contract Administration Department
    Re: Bid/Proposal Name and Number
    2222 N. Alamo St.
    San Antonio, Texas 78215

    For Hand Delivery or Courier Service by Offeror:

    Alamo Colleges District
    Purchasing & Contract Administration Department
    Re: Bid/Proposal Name and Number
    2222 N. Alamo St.
    San Antonio, Texas 78215

    All bids/proposals will be publicly opened. Any bids/proposals submitted after the published deadline will be returned unopened. Specifications are available for pick-up at the address above, may be downloaded by clicking on the title of the project below or by emailing the Purchasing Department.

    Alamo Colleges District cannot monitor or record the sources of hits on this page. Bid/Proposal, if issued, will be posted in PDF format below the Bid/Proposal title. Alamo Colleges District will attempt to distribute addenda to all known specification holders, however, prospective bidders/offerors are ultimately responsible for downloading them from Alamo Colleges District's web site prior to submission of a bid or proposal. To get the most updated version of this page, it may be necessary to refresh/reload your browser.

    Bidders/Offerors who receive their Bid/Proposal documents by electronic means must submit a sealed hard-copy response to Purchasing & Contract Administration on or before the published deadline. Electronic or facsimle responses will not be accepted, unless specifically allowed in the specifications. 

    Please direct all questions to Purchasing & Contract Administration by calling (210) 485-0100 or emailing dst-purchasing@2fitfashion.com.

    Bidding Opportunities

    Requests for Competitive Sealed Proposals/Bids (Formal)

     Projects - Click on the title of the project for a printable version of the specifications. (Please check this site frequently for updates.)

    Proposals Contact Submission Deadline





    Requests for Quotes (Informal)

    Projects - Click on the title of the project for a printable version of the specifications. (Please check this site frequently for updates.)
    *If you are not a registered vendor with Alamo Colleges District: please register to become a vendor. Terms and conditions available under PO Terms and Conditions tab.


    Proposals Submission Deadline


  • PO Terms & Conditions

    1. Deliveries must be sent to the receiving area designated on the front of this order during the times stated. Please do not make purchase order deliveries to or mail invoices to any address other than those indicated on the front of the purchase order. Alamo Community College District (ACCD) will not be responsible for deliveries made to any location other than the one indicated on the purchase order. ALL parcels must reference the purchase order number or delivery will NOT be accepted.
    2. To ensure prompt payment of invoices, the purchase order number must appear on all invoices, packing slips and any correspondence concerning the order.
    3. If the prices listed are not correct, do not complete this order until approval is given by the District Director of Purchasing. Double shipments or quantities in excess of those ordered will not be accepted.
    4. No changes or substitutions will be permitted without authorization by District Director of Purchasing.
    5. ACCD will not in any manner be responsible for goods delivered or work done for the ACCD or its components without an authorized written purchase order.
    6. If these conditions are not acceptable, immediately advise the ACCD Purchasing Department (at the number listed for "Purchasing Questions" on the front of the order) before you make any shipment or start any work.
    7. Ship F.O.B.: Destination Freight Prepaid, unless otherwise stated on the purchase order. No additional charges will be allowed for boxing, packing, crating, insurance, shipping or handling unless specified on the purchase order.
    8. RIGHT OF INSPECTION – ACCD shall have the right to inspect the goods before accepting items.
    9. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION – No right or interest in any contract shall be assigned, nor shall the Seller delegate any obligation, without the written permission of the District Director of Purchasing.
    10. The Alamo Community College District has implemented the policy of emailing Purchase Orders to vendors and will no longer fax Purchase Orders unless specifically requested by the vendor.
    11. Payment Terms. NET 45 - Notwithstanding anything appearing elsewhere to the contrary, ALAMO COLLEGES DISTRICT is a unit of Texas government and as such is authorized to make payments to vendors only as provided by applicable statute, Texas Government Code Section 2251.021(b), the provisions of which (essentially net 45 days) shall override any contrary language of the Agreement.  Late charges are excluded.  Any interest on overdue amounts shall not exceed the rate(s) established by the Texas Local Government Code, currently set forth at Section 271.153(a)(4).


    Effective: September 1, 2009

  • How to do business with Alamo Colleges

    The basic principle of purchasing and an indispensable element of the American economic system is free and vigorous competition. As public buyers expending public funds, Purchasing of the Alamo Community College District (ACCD) fully endorses the above concept.

    This information was prepared with the sincere hope that it will be helpful to all vendors engaged in selling supplies, materials, equipment and/or services who would like to do business with the ACCD.

  • Conflict of Interest Disclosures

    The following vendors/individuals have filed Conflict of Interest Questionnaires (CIQ) with the Alamo Colleges in accordance with chapter 176 of Texas Local Government Code.

    You may submit your CIQ form to the Alamo Colleges Purchasing Department, 2222 N. Alamo St. San Antonio, Texas 78215; fax 210-486-9022, or email dst-purchasing@2fitfashion.com. To obtain a form to prepare for submission, visit the Texas Ethics Commission web site.




















  • Small, Minority, Woman, and Veteran Owned Business Enterprise (SMWVBE) Program

    Alamo Colleges encourages the use of Small, Minority, Women and/or Veteran Owned Business Enterprises as herein below defined to assist in the implementation of this procedure through race, ethnicity, and gender-neutral means. The purpose of this program is to ensure that SMWVBE’s are provided the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in all purchasing and contracting opportunities. 

    The SMWVBE Program seeks to identify Small, Minority, Women and/or Veteran Owned Business and provides assistance on how to participate in the competitive bid process for all goods and services needed by the Alamo Colleges. Our objective is to increase business opportunities and to stimulate economic growth. The SMWVBE Program assures that qualified, certified SMWVBE vendors are considered and utilized in the procurement of all goods and services. 

    The SMWVBE Program is conscious of its responsibility in expending public funds in a diverse and competitive market and maintains an open door policy with all potential suppliers. Purchasing transactions are completed without regard to race, color, disability (handicap), sex, religion, age, or national origin. 

    Certification Agency’s and Certification  

      The certification process for Alamo Colleges SMWVBE Program will recognize certification credentials from bona fide certifying agencies such as SCTRCA (http://sctrca.org/) and The State of Texas HUB Program ( www.window.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/hub/) as defined below. 

     SCTRCA - “South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA)” means the agency contracted with Alamo Colleges and other local public entities for certification of Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), Small Business Enterprise (SBEs), Veteran Business Enterprise (VBEs) and/or Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBEs).  The SCTRCA receives audits and certifies applications from said businesses in accordance with federal, state and local laws and regulations, as well as guidelines adopted by the SCTRCA Board of Directors, on behalf of Alamo Colleges.

      HUB - “HUB Program” means the State of Texas HUB Program of the Texas Procurement and Support Services (TPASS) division of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.  TPASS certifies HUB-eligible applicant suppliers and maintains a list of HUB-certified suppliers for Texas state agencies and governmental entities.

      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HUB Vendor Database <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  

      Commodity Codes - Agencies use the class-item numbering and descriptions found in this book to properly code products or services on their requisitions and purchases, so informal and formal invitations for bid will reach vendors that have indicated they are capable of furnishing the required materials, equipment, supplies, and services. 

     Bidders are encouraged to become familiar with the format and contents of this book as they apply to the Centralized Master Bidders List search and vendor profiling. It is extremely important to both agencies and potential bidders that bidder class-item selections are correct. The State of Texas encourages agencies to make the most efficient use of tax dollars. 


    For more information contact: 

    SMWVBE Coordinator



  • Forms

    Texas Ethics Commission - Form 1295 Filing

    Online Vendor Registration

    Invoice Registration Form

    W8 Form - International (Individual)

    W8 Form - International (Entity)

    Vendor Controls

  • For specific questions, please see below contact information for the Purchasing & Contract Administration staff. 


    Commercial Goods & Services


    Construction Services


    Contract Administration / General Services

Contact Us

Alamo Colleges
Purchasing & Contract Administration
2222 N. Alamo
San Antonio, Texas 78215

Phone: 210-485-0100

Fax: 210-486-9022

Hours of Operation:

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday

Email us at: